Shimane Museum of Ancient Izumo will be closed from April 2025 to September 2026 (tentative) due to seismic retrofitting and other renovation works.
The Izumo Grand Shrine has always been cherished by the people of the Izumo province. The “Uzu” pillars were discovered in 2000 within the Izumo Grand Shrine precincts and are on permanent display.
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The ancient culture of Shimane is introduced based on three themes ; the Izumo Grand Shrine, the Izumo fudoki, and bronze implements.
A glimpse at (the ancient people of) Shimane’s soul centering on the mystery of the Izumo Grand Shrine is introduced from various angles.
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With the Izumo fudoki, an ancient record of the features of Izumo, have a close look at life with its backgrounds in ancient times. Also explore the ancient culture that has been passed down to date.
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A large number of bronze implements from the Yayoi period and great swords owned by a local ruling family during the Kofun period were excavated. Take a look at the bronze implements and swords to understand the origin and history of Shimane and the hope of ancient people in Shimane placed in them.
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Shimane is known as the province of the deities and the home of myth. The myths set in Izumo, including the story of the deity, Susanowo, and his battle with Yamatano Orochi, or the eight-headed dragon-like serpent, were written in the ancient Chronicles, the Kojiki and the Nihon shoki. The Izumo fudoki contain more local myths such as the story of Kunibiki of how the lands of Izumo were created.
In this section, understand and learn more about the ancient myths of Izumo.
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In this section, take a deeper look at the life and interchange of people in Shimane from ancient times to date.Significant displays include burial mounds with four protuberant corners, bead making of Izumo, the Iwami-Ginzan silver mine, and the iron manufacturing process, Tatara. Also experience some of the great ancient history by seeing ‘a specimen of cross-sectional buried tree in Azukihara, Sanbe’, and ‘a replica of a silver coin from the Iwami-Ginzan silver mine,’ and trying ‘bead-making’ and operating a ‘Tenbinfuigo, or equipment to fan inside of the iron-making furnace.’
[Click here for details.]
Shimane Museum of Ancient Izumo 99-4 kizuki-Higashi, Taisha, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, 699-0701 JAPAN TEL +81-853-53-8600/FAX +81-853-53-5350 | Copyright © 2007 Shimane Museum of Ancient Izumo. All rights reserved. |